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Dr.Sujeeta Elizabeth Menon 

Doctor of Philosophy (Social Work)
Licensed Master Social Worker (BHEC, TX)

Registered Social Worker (RSW, Singapore)
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About Me


Sujeeta Elizabeth Menon, Ph.D, L.M.S.W, R.S.W practice and research focuses on justice-involved youth, desistance of justice-involved young women, Trauma-informed care, Secondary trauma, Implementation research, program development for youth involved in the justice system, school to prison pipeline, positive youth development and empowerment, social work education, field education and grant writing. She has disseminated her research across multiple forums nationally such as the Council of Social Work Education APM conference, Society for Social Work Research Conference, Association for justice-involved Females Conference, UH graduate research conferences, Association for criminal justice sciences, and the Joint World Conference on Social Work, Education and Social Development (SWSD) 2018. She has also published in the Child and Adolescent Social Work Journal, Child and Youth Services Review, Criminal Justice and Behavior, Journal of Social Work Education, and the Journal of Policy Practice and Research among other reputable peer-reviewed impact factor journals.

Sujeeta's Social Work career began in 2006 with  Methodist Welfare Services (MWS) in Singapore, after graduating with her Bachelor's degree with Honors in Social Work from the National University of Singapore in 2006. She was first employed at the local Family Service Center known as MWS Tampines Family Service Center and provided casework and counseling services for all cases, financial counseling, worked with the grassroots, and with youth involved with the juvenile justice system. Thereafter, she was appointed by MWS to head a female residential treatment center;  MWS Girls Residence where she worked with girls aged 15-21 years who were involved in the justice system. This service fueled Sujeeta's interest in research within the juvenile correctional settings. Between 2019-2020, she worked as a Risk Assessment Specialist at Civic Heart Community Services, A community-based non-profit located in the Third Ward, Houston, TX. In 2020, Sujeeta wrote a federal grant and developed a gender-specific program known as VOICES using her PhD research. Upon receipt of funding, Sujeeta was promoted to Program Coordinator to implement the program at Civic Heart. VOICES is currently in the second grant cycle after getting re-funded in 2023. In 2021, she obtained another federal grant to implement the Youth C.A.N program for young men in the residential juvenile facilties. In 2022, she obtained a local grant to start the Youth Justice Reinvestment Fund at Civic Heart as the Intermediary, which included grantmaking activities and providing capacity building to local grassroots organizations. In 2023, Sujeeta developed an Arts program to support justice-involved youth and obtained federal funding to implement the program. From 2022-2024, Sujeeta provided oversight as the Program Director for all these programs designed to support justice-involved youth. Currently, she is a Principal Consultant with Viridis Consulting, supporting non-profits with program development, grant writing, and non-profit management.


As a social impact scholar who uses her research to create social change, she has organized community events that sought to achieve social, economic, and racial equity. Sujeeta was awarded the Community Partnership Action Award by the Council on Social Work Education (CSWE) in 2020 and was awarded by the Tan Kah Kee Postgraduate Scholarship in support of her PhD program in 2020. Sujeeta's dissertation is an effort to better inform us about young women in the juvenile justice system by providing an in-depth investigation of social functioning in multiple areas of their lives, and highlights the complex and interconnected risks and resilience to offer suggestions for evidence-informed policies and programs. Sujeeta is also a trauma-informed trainer and regularly trains probation officers on Secondary/ vicarious trauma. She is also an adjunct professor at the University of Houston.

Professional Experience

Professional Experience

May 2024- Present

Viridis Consulting, Principal Consultant, Social Impact


Consult with non-profits regarding grant opportunities, develop logic models, and write full proposals for grant applications at the federal, national, and local levels. Successfully submitted two federal grants for two non-profits in May 2024. Consult with Baylor University Impact Lab on NIH grant-funded R01 project regarding participant recruitment and community engagement to evaluate a CHOICES program for young girls at risk of substance-induced pregnancies.

September 2022- May 2024

Civic Heart Community Services (Formally known as Change Happens!),

Program Director, Youth Justice

Created Civic Heart’s Youth Justice Department, which consists of five programs: VOICES, Youth C.A.N, Mentoring, Arts, and the Youth Justice Community Reinvestment Fund. Wrote and received multiple grants ($3.7 mil) to fund and implement the youth justice programs. Provided strategic leadership and vision for expanding community-based support to more than 300 justice-involved youth in Harris County. Built the operating systems, policies, and practices to ensure the effective implementation of grant-funded programs and the distribution of $1.4 million in annual grants to selected external grantees. Hired, trained, and supervised 10 team members to execute the grants with high quality and fidelity. Responsible for oversight of grant implementation through performance measures, program compliance, fiscal monitoring, resource allocation, financial budgeting, process and outcome evaluation, reporting, personnel management and supervision, and direct management of the Youth Justice Reinvestment Fund Intermediary Program. Participated in end-to-end grantmaking activities, including county-wide needs analysis, RFP, Fund information sessions, grant selection by selecting six grantees among 77 applications, fund processes and procedures, and awarded contracts for renewals.


December 2020- August 2022

Program Coordinator

Change Happens, Houston TX

Provide implementation and oversight for a new gender-specific and evidence-based program known as VOICES, designed to reduce the risk of justice involvement among girls aged 10-18. This program offers group sessions using the evidence-based curriculum Voices (Covington, 2017) which explores the self, connecting to others, healthy living and the Journey ahead in small group setting, wraparound case management for girls who are high risk and live in poverty zip codes, and trainings for providers such as Mental Health First Aid, Secondary Trauma, Monthly circles, Human trafficking awareness and JJDPA.

August 2019- December 2020 

Risk Assessment Specialist

Change Happens, Houston TX

Assess the Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACE) risk levels of high school students benefitting from the administration of a sexual risk avoidance program (INSIGHT), provided therapeutic support in collaboration with the school support staff and ascertained the appropriate services needed to alleviate the risk levels. Established partnerships with community agencies and referrals for the provision of services.

2017 - 2020

Teaching Fellow/ Instructional and Research Assistant 

Graduate College of Social Work

University of Houston

2019- present: Teaching Fellow for the online Master in Social Work program at the UHGCSW. Provided assistance with course instruction and grading for more than ten online courses such as Brief targeted interventions, Groups in clinical settings, School Social Work, Assessment in Social Work and Advances Social Policy. In Fall 2020, she will be the adjunct faculty responsible for two cohorts of the Human Diversity and Human Development Course for MSW Foundation students.           

2017-2019: Guest lecturer for 5 Face to Face classes, provided input for teaching materials and grading exam papers for 5 different classes, group facilitator for BaFa BaFa cultural simulation exercise.

Consultant on research and programming for Ford Bend Probation County Services and Harris County Juvenile Probation Department and 8 million stories

Research conducted for a variety of research studies in juvenile delinquency and Education in Social Work.

May - August 2018, May- August 2019

Adjunct Lecturer

                      National University of Singapore                      


Provided field supervision to social work students weekly, group supervision bi-weekly and mid- placement visits for social work students on internships and graded their portfolio at the end of their field placements.


 May- August 2018


Group facilitator


New Life Community Services, Singapore

Conducted group sessions based on Choice Theory Reality Therapy, for ten female inmates in Reformatory Training Center, Singapore Prison Service

September 2016 - May 2017

 Social Work Clinical Intern 

     Odyssey House,  Cenikor foundation, Houston, TX


Odyssey House is a substance abuse residential treatment facility for youth aged 13-17 years of age. The job responsibilities include in depth initial assessments, clinical therapy and group skills for drug addiction.

January 2017


     Portal, Houston, TX


Development of Standard Operating Procedures and a handbook for Portal mentors, for the women who are leaving the Texas State prisons.

June 2016 – December 2016 

 Lead Social Work Intern, Youthbuild     

SER jobs for progress, Houston, TX


Created a Social work department, developed Standard operating procedures, Counseling and case management and group activities. The individual case management included handling a case load of 10, developing their individual treatment plans, mental health assessments, case conferences and home visits. Job requirements included peer supervision for the interns and ensuring quality service provision.

2002 - 2006

Head of Center, Methodist Welfare Services

MWS Girls Residence, Singapore

MWS Girls Residence is a residential treatment facility that houses troubled females aged 15-21 on probation/ Child Welfare or referred by other agencies. Job description includes the daily management of operations and services, development and implementation of facility SOP, supervision of 13 staff and 8 interns, development of volunteer management, casework and counseling, supervision of therapeutic intervention, networked with stakeholders, established an Education scholarship, implemented Restorative practice, attachment, and systems theories, and developed programs according to the Social-emotional learning framework

January 2012 - March 2012 

      Senior Court Social Worker, State Courts      

Child Focused Resolution Center, Singapore


Provided mandatory counselling and casework to divorcing couples with children under the age of 8, mediated and brokered between the couples to arrive at agreements on ancillary matters based on the best interest of the child, conducted workshops highlighting the needs of the children impacted by divorce and conducted evaluation of the services provided.

2006 - 2011

Social Worker, Methodist Welfare Services

Tampines Family Service Center, Singapore


Tampines Family Service Centre is a neighborhood one stop center for the residents living in Tampines. Job descriptions include providing case management and counselling, Information and Referral service, advocacy and mediation to marginalized families, children, juveniles, couples, low income families and the elderly. Offered crisis management for clients, participated in a post- prison program for young offenders. Headed the Financial Resiliency Program team and provided holistic services to families



 2017- 2021

Doctor of Philosophy (Social Work)

University of Houston- Graduate College of Social Work

3 paper Dissertation: The Needs and Experiences of Justice-Involved Young Women

Graduate Tuition Fellowship, Presidential Scholarship for P.h.D program, Cullen travel grant (2018 and 2019) and Doctoral Travel Grant for Conferences


Master of Social Work (Clinical Practice)

University of Houston- Graduate College of Social Work

Class of 2017 (GPA: 4.0)

Individual specialization for MSW: Social Work in the Juvenile Justice system

Deans Advisory Council, Hammill Foundation and Phi Alpha Honor Society Scholarships for MSW 


Bachelors of Social Work, Class of 2006

National University of Singapore

Honors Graduate

Social Work training scholarship by the National Council of Social Service

Professional Leadership and Development scheme recipient

Contact Me

Contact Me

Dr. Sujeeta Elizabeth Menon
+1 (346)-212-5778
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